Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Peter Sellers

The Story:
About 4 years ago I was approached to pitch on the title-sequence for "The life and death of Peter Sellers"
After several runs on the design, I finally animated the test you see here in Flash. It was just meant to show that you could do something graphic on a budget and it took a couple of days to complete. Steve Hopkins, the "director" kept asking me to do more and more work on it, including getting fellow designers involved. When I finally asked them to involve a production company as I could not carry this any further on my own finances, they told the production company not to bother, as the job was likely to go to another company.

Something they could have told me before I spent all that time.
Ah, Mr Hopkins, another hero of mine...

The final titles won at least 4 major awards and I honestly don't know why.

Check them out here:
or don't bother.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That final version was painful to watch. You was robbed, man!

8:34 AM  
Blogger Benjamin De Schrijver said...

Wow. This looks ten times better. At least.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Matt Jones said...

This whole debacle was a crime - your version was in the grand tradition of Dick's PANTHER titles but with even more style & flair, not unlike your good self. At least we're lucky enough to see what you did even if the rest of the world had to suffer through the final version.
Hopkins may be a dick but the flick wasn't too bad for a TV movie.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Whoa! The other one wasn't all that great, was it?


10:50 AM  
Blogger Elliot Cowan said...

The final version is an ugly fuck of a thing.
We missed you last night, but I dreamed about you instead.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Boris Hiestand said...

dang- I remember me being all giddy when you told me about the thing when you were making it. Such a shame. The film is great, the title sequence sucks eggs.

2:01 AM  
Blogger Elliot Cowan said...

Hey man - I was at The Wheat Sheaf.
Neil, Boris and I turned up and we assumed you hadn't turned up.
Email me willya -

4:50 AM  
Blogger Noel(le) said...

I think the voodoodog one reflects Peter Sellers far more, this one is too much something left our of the invincibles

7:52 AM  
Blogger Joe Corrao 4 Eyed Animation said...

peoples suck

6:20 PM  
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