Vot is it mit ze Dschermans and zeir anty Aids kampains?
Twize now have zey approached mein Boss Mister Meyer to pitsch on Kommercials to edjukate peeples to be more responzibble but zen, when you've dun ze work,
you nevver hear from zem evver again...
Zankless lot...
Anyway, here is a pitch based on the idea of a series of movie spoofs (That would of course be more effective if shot in life action, in the style of the original film), this one being Alfred Hitzkopfs* "Psycho".
It was fun trying to compress stuff into just black white and grey, and I think with a moving camera and the resulting parallax shifts, the moving version could have been done using black and white only...
Maybe I'll try doing a test some day. That would be a good excuse to learn "MOHO".
* German word for hot-head, clever pun, no?